Dr. Stacy joins Lives in the Balance for a workshop on CPS and the Neurodivergent Student

Sep 30, 2022

ollaborative & Proactive Solutions and The Neurodivergent Student presented by Dr. Stacy Haynes.

Join us for an enlightening workshop designed for teachers, parents, and staff on how Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) can benefit neurodivergent students. Dr. Haynes will use CPS lenses to change views regarding disciplinary practices and review ways CPS can be used with neurodivergent students at home, school, and in the community.

Participants will review the challenges faced by neurodivergent students in the classroom and how using CPS can create effective strategies that take students and educators beyond behavior charts, behavior plans, and stickers.

Presented by Dr. Stacy Haynes, Chief Executive Officer of Little Hands Family Services in Turnersville, NJ. Stacy is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and an experienced therapist, teacher and counselor. Stacy is a certified provider in the CPS model, and trains schools, facilities and providers in the model for Lives in the Balance.


How will the webinar be conducted? It will be conducted by Zoom Video Conferencing 

Can I contact the organizer with questions? You can email [email protected] for additional information.

This webinar is available for purchase at Livesinthebalance.org on demand series

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