Train Coach Cheer Winning with Parenting by Dr. Stacy
Feb 13, 2023
Join Dr. Stacy for a FUNDRAISING EVENT for Little Hands Community Promise, 501 (c)(3) organization on Saturday March 25th.
Dr. Stacy will highlight her 3 step parenting approach to help parents WIN at parenting.
Check out Dr. Stacy's approach in this article How to Prepare for Fatherhood Parenting-
One day I was watching professional sports, and I thought to myself, parents should be more like coaches. When you think about it, professional athletes have been trained in the sport they play and have years of experience playing, and yet they still need a coach in order to play the game.
As a therapist and parenting coach, I thought about how this relates to how parents, especially fathers can also prepare for parenting. I created a 3-step parenting approach — Train, Coach, Cheer, to help parents help their children succeed in life, similar to how coaches help athletes succeed in the game.
It all starts with training ....see full article
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